Recovery Life Quotes for Sober September

sober september

Something about ‘Sober Fall’ brings me immense happiness, maybe because it’s my favorite season, or maybe because it’s a relief from ‘Hot Girl Summer,’ which is generally my least favorite time of year.

Either way, living alcohol-free is the most important part of how I can enjoy anything - including the gorgeous Autumn landscape of the Midwest.

If you’re a habitual Pinterest quote collector like myself, this post is for you!

Whether this is your first, second, or tenth Sober September, the quotes I’ve collected for us are motivational, thought-provoking, and capable of sparking inspiration at any stage of the alcohol recovery journey.

Sober September Quotes:

“I want to apologize to myself for constantly submerging myself in a state of panic / for allowing myself to self-destruct for so many years / there is a person inside of me who deserves kindness” - Brianna Pastor

“If anyone is going to magically appear and suddenly make your life better, just know that person is always going to be you” - Brianna Pastor

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” - Caroline Myss

“At a certain point the fear of staying where we are will overwhelm our fear of change. This is when the transformation begins. This is when we step into the work of returning to ourselves.” - Creative Sobriety (Kristen Bear)

“Sobriety is counterculture, a collective desire for liberation, crushing tired narratives and leading the way to a new level of human consciousness. You in?” - Creative Sobriety (Kristen Bear)

“Your authentic self will scare many, confuse others and intimidate some, but it is not up to you to dull your light so you can be less visible to those that are unwilling to look at themselves.” - Billy Chapata

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” - Mary Anne Radmacher

“If you aren’t in your body, someone else is. The systems of this world have everything to gain from your disembodiment. Stay near to yourself. Remember your body.” - Cole Arthur Riley

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” - Picasso

“Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence you don’t belong. You will always find it.” - Brené Brown

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” - Unknown

“My drinking — and whatever it is you do to feel better — was born of a natural impulse to soothe, to connect, to feel love. And although alcohol hadn’t actually delivered those things, it was absolutely [connected] to them in my mind. In my heart and body, too. It was just what I knew.” - Laura McKowen

“Autumn is a second Spring where every leaf is a flower.” - Albert Camus

“Sometimes carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement.” - Albert Camus

Sober September Tips:

  • Get Connected - join a support group of sorts, join a local community, look for events or workshops that interest you, learn a new skill in a group setting, etc.

  • Find Quiet Activites - with more time inside this time of year, find things you can do that won’t be overstimulating/draining like being on your phone - like reading, puzzles, crafting, organizing, stretching, etc.

  • Prepare for Holiday Scaries - holiday season without drinking isn’t usually the norm for most families/friends, so make sure you’re speaking up for yourself and your needs! Remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why you’re not drinking, and that anyone who loves you will be supportive of your decision to focus on wellness.

  • Know Yourself - the better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to navigate life, and in recovery it’s helpful to know personal triggers, limits, sensitive topics, and ways to help yourself calm down, find motivation, etc. The Fall season can be a good time to slow down and take notice of these things.

  • Functional “Better for You” Beverages - I’m a “three bevs on my desk at all times” kind of person, and functional drinks are a big part of how I find joy in sobriety. They just add a little more joy to my weeks! My favorite functional drinks usually have one or more of the following qualities: hydrating, tea-based, wine alternative, fruit-forward, adaptogenic, mood-boosting, calming, botanical, or sparkling.

  • Create New Traditions - don’t be afraid to still do “all the fall things,” minus the alcohol. If you’re feeling like it won’t be the same or like you can’t do certain things without drinking, try doing it differently or doing a new activity. As someone who is 5 years alcohol-free, I can tell you that it gets better if you’re intentional about creating a new outlook and traditions.


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